🔒Request crypto withdrawal

Initiate withdrawal request

POST https://payments.finrax.com/api/v1/withdrawals

An endpoint for initiating cryptocurrency withdrawals. The amount can be selected either in fiat or crypto which is being defined by the targetAmountPolicy

Request Body

  "businessId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
  "clientWithdrawalId": "string",
  "recipientAddress": "string",
  "destinationTag": 0,
  "network": "BCH",
  "withdrawCurrency": "BCH",
  "displayCurrency": "AED",
  "targetAmountPolicy": "CRYPTO",
  "targetAmount": "string",
  "withdrawalAccount": "CRYPTO"
  "withdrawId": "b4c16bbc-d192-4cd1-ae95-e23ca12cbf1c",
  "clientWithdrawId": "My first Withdrawal",
  "recipientAddress": "rLsVuk4hgmGUtjQKj1ybpg1etnFodZ4CJ?dt=140",
  "network": "XRP",
  "initiatedBy": "http://gateway.finrax.test",
  "status": "NEW",
  "displayCurrency": "TRY",
  "displayServiceFee": "0.25",
  "withdrawCurrency": "XRP",
  "settlementCurrency": "USDT",
  "estimatedDisplayAmount": "200.00",
  "estimatedWithdrawAmount": "112.053789",
  "settlementDeductedAmount": "35.45448769",
  "settlementServiceFee": "0.25",
  "uniformAmount": "25",
  "uniformCurrency": "EUR",
  "uniformServiceFee" : "0.25",
  "createdAt": 1568882280

What is targetAmountPolicy?

The targetAmountPolicyfield provides the means for specifying the withdrawal amount either in FIAT currency or CRYPTO currency. When FIAT is selected as policy the resulting amount of the withdrawal in crypto will be calculated according to the fiat amount passed in targetAmount field. When CRYPTO is selected as policy the resulting amount of the withdrawal will be exactly the same as the amount passed in targetAmount field (subject to a negligible difference due to market conditions i.e. market step size)

    'withdrawCurrency': 'XRP',
    'displayCurrency': 'EUR',
    'targetAmount': '20',
    'targetAmountPolicy': 'FIAT'

//This translates to "Withdraw 20 EUR worth of XRP"
    'withdrawCurrency': 'XRP',
    'displayCurrency': 'EUR',
    'targetAmount': '200',
    'targetAmountPolicy': 'CRYPTO'

//This translates to "Withdraw 200 XRP"

List of currencies and their supported withdrawal networks

Last updated