🔒Add payment details

If you are using our payment URL supplied as a response of Initiate deposit request you'll not need to run this request. It will be handled by our hosted checkout application.

Submit deposit data

PATCH https://payments.finrax.com/api/v1/payments/:paymentId

In case you'd like to spin off your own UI, this endpoint allows you to submit the details from the end-user for the initiated deposit request. The end-user will be required to choose a depositCurrency i.e. the cryptocurrency they want to deposit in. Once the request is submitted, the end-user will be supplied with a walletAddress and the expectedDepositAmount calculated using the most recent exchange rate.

Request Body

  "depositCurrency": "BCH",
  "network": "BCH",
  "displayCurrency": "AED",
  "displayAmount": "string"

Path Parameters

Request Body

    "paymentInfo": {
        "expectedUniformAmount": "100.00",
        "expectedDepositAmount": "0.00205966",
        "actualUniformAmount": "0.00",
        "locale": "en-US",
        "expectedDisplayAmount": "100.00",
        "expectedNetwork": "BTC",
        "paymentInitiatedAt": 1634142279,
        "paymentRequestedAt": 1634142316,
        "actualDepositAmount": "0.00000000",
        "depositCurrency": "BTC",
        "actualDisplayAmount": "0.00",
        "expirationMinutes": 30,
        "paymentId": "5f6a3367-37b3-42cd-a870-8c74476961ac",
        "walletAddress": "33nntiQTBoM9hKZtKiWCb2NHYQuPQYa9cr",
        "processorType": "BLOCKCHAIN",
        "displayCurrency": "EUR",
        "businessId": "dab81a7a-2502-4784-ad34-87e04e5129f0",
        "deposits": [],
        "rateType": "FLOATING",
        "status": "PENDING",
        "refundFollowUpDepositsForOneTimePayments": true,
        "type": "ONE_TIME",
        "overpaymentPolicy": "EXCESS_REFUND",
        "clientPaymentId": "test_payment_1"

Response schema

Last updated